Health And Safety Guidelines To Prevent Transmission Of Covid-19

Purpose for the standards

  1. Eliminate/ Minimize the risk of transmission of COVID -19
  2. Enhance health and safety of the construction
  3. Sustain business operations.
  4. Ensure compliance with contractual and regulatory obligations




1 Occupational health and safety officer who willbe create awareness amongit the site

workers on covi<l -19 and minimize chances ofstim:natization.

2 Body temperatures of construction workers and any other personnel visiting the site should be taken on arrival at the construction site and when they leave fur home using non- contact infrared thenoometer. Place a colored sticker on

hehnet of checked worker.’

3 Contractors are to employ administrative controls to aid in site worker separation and reducing people density through rotating srups, separating trades/crews bypiecework and other scheduled alternatives inline with the Stipulated working hours by the

Government ofKenya.

4 Anyone who has a fever or flu-like symptoms, is vulnerable (by virtue of their age or underlying health conditions) or is living with someone inself.isolation Should not be allowed access to site. Ifa construction worker develops a fever or flu-like symptoms while at work, they should be advised accordingly, return home immediately and fulk>w the Ministry ofHealth’s guilelines onself. Isolation. The worker should oot return to work un>l their period of self.isolation has been completed and upon clearance bya medical doctor from a government


Construction workers should be provided with:fu.cemasks and long-sleeved Aprons fur protection against covi<l-19 infection from contaminated sur:fu.ces. Re- usable PPE should not be shared between workers and should be thoroughly

Cleaned after use. Disposable PPE should be disposed properly so that it cannot Be



5 All equipment, Plants and tools must be sanitized at the start of works twice, Daily, in the Imming and at closure of site.

Hand cleaning facilities should be provided at the site entrances and exits. These soould have soap and clean rurming water wherever possible or alcohol-based Hand sanitiz.ers ifclean rurming water is not available. All workers should wash or Sanitize

their hands severallv and before entering or leaving the site.

6 The covid-19 tollfree number should be disolayed on site
7 Avoid placing tools & toolboxes inshared room;. Forbid sharing of tools am:mg site

workers where possible. Machines and equipment that are shared should be sanitized routinely (after every user)

8 Develop a contingency and business continuity plan fur anoutbreak in the cornrrrunities

where the construction project is located.

9 Posters and signs willbe displayed in areas (break areas, restroom;, entry and exit points) reminding people to stay home ifnot feeling well, signs and symptoms ofcovid- 19 and proper hand washing teclmiques.

Project team;/offices will continue to receive and communicate the latest procedures, requirements and educational infunnation learned to prevent the spread ofcovkl-19. Any suspected/actualcovid -19 cases must be reported, managed and closely monitored by the contractor following the ”COVID -19 test positive protocol”

10 Encourage mobile money /online bank transfer systems fur payment of wages and


11 Provide reflector jackets to oonitor physical distancing

Work stations in the site office, job boxes and established work areas are to be separated by at least 1 meter ofeach other.

12 Mee insite offices, project site grounds must be evaluated to ensure at least 1- meter distancing fromothers. This may require additional space, smaller meetin or virtual meetin . Promote regular teleworking across your business


13 Take breaks and lunch in ships to reduce the siz.e of the group in the lunch area at any

one me to fewer than 10 people.

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